Bibbins Family - Ourfolk
Francis Eugene Bibbins, Sr 3 DEC 1855 - 23 DEC 1928
Francis, Sr was born on 3 DEC 1855 in Ossian, Benington Co., Ny and died on 23 DEC 1928 (age: 73) in Delphi, Ind and was buried in Oakwood Cmty, Beloit, Wisc . He was the son of Smith Bibbins (24 JUN 1806 - 25 JUN 1885) and Angeline H. Fargo (Bibbins) (22 APR 1811 - 16 OCT 1880). Francis, Sr was married to Mary O'Holloran (Bibbins) on 29 JAN 1881 in Beloit, Wisc.. Mary was born on 8 APR 1863 in Clinton, Rock Co., Wisc and died on 16 NOV 1942 (age: 79) in Lafayette, Ind and was buried in Oakwood Cmty, Beloit, Wisc . She was the daughter of Edward Holloran (ABT 1830 - 11 JUN 1883) and Bridgett Doran (Holloran) (ABT 1834 - MAY 1871). View Family Chart - - -
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