log_error PHP ERROR: Error no 2: Undefined variable $text in /home/rdharts/ourfolkgen.com/ourfolk/chart_functions.php at line number 4310 Hough Family - Ourfolk

Hough Family - Ourfolk

David Hough 4 MAY 1894 - 24 MAR 1989

David was born on 4 MAY 1894 in Michigan City, In and died on 24 MAR 1989 (age: 94) in , Ohio .
He was the son of Benjamin G. Hough (APR 1857 - 1932) and Amelia Jane Seelye (Hough) (9 NOV 1854 - 8 MAY 1938).

David was married to Thelma Frye (Hough) .

She is the daughter of John A. Frye and Addie B. (Frye) .
View Family Chart

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 ParentsGrand Parents  
David Hough (15 APR 1821 - 9 APR 1895)
Benjamin G. Hough (APR 1857 - 1932)
Amanda Guffey (Hough) (22 JUL 1832 - 31 MAR 1902)
David Hough
George Washington Seelye (23 APR 1829 - 22 MAR 1865)
Amelia Jane Seelye (Hough) (9 NOV 1854 - 8 MAY 1938)
Letitia Ann Bethel (Richmond) (24 JAN 1831 - 18 MAR 1913)


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Last change (on this page): 16 NOV 2022