Hough Family - Ourfolk

Abraham Hough 10 APR 1803 - 29 FEB 1872

Abraham was born on 10 APR 1803 and died on 29 FEB 1872 (age: 68).
He was the son of David Hough (27 FEB 1774 - 3 MAR 1858) and Barbaretta O'Rally (Hough) (1779 - 11 OCT 1841).

Abraham was married to Catherine Waltz (Hough) on 1831.

Catherine was born on 19 OCT 1813 in Waltz's Mill, near West Newton, Pa. and died on 31 OCT 1882 (age: 69) in Gillespie, Pa. .
She was the daughter of Jacob Waltz .
View Family Chart

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 ParentsGrand Parents  
Jacob Hough (ABT 1747 - ABT 1803)
David Hough (27 FEB 1774 - 3 MAR 1858)
Charlote Smith (Hough) (ABT 1747 - ABT 1827)
Abraham Hough
Barbaretta O'Rally (Hough) (1779 - 11 OCT 1841)

- Catherine was born on 19 OCT 1813 in Waltz's Mill, near West Newton, Pa. and died on 31 OCT 1882 (age: 69) in Gillespie, Pa.

- David was born on 27 FEB 1774 in Jacobs Creek, Pa and died on 3 MAR 1858 (age: 84)

- Barbaretta was born on 1779 in So. Huntingdon Twp, Westmoreland Co;, Pa. and died on 11 OCT 1841 in Fayette Co., Pa.

- Paul was born on 4 AUG 1809 in Fayette City, Fayette Co., Pennsylvania and died on 5 APR 1880 (age: 70)

- Daniel was born on ABT 1803 in PA and died on 1881

- Sarah was born on 9 FEB 1805 and died on 27 JAN 1885 (age: 79)

- Capt. John was born on 22 OCT 1806 and died on 29 MAR 1879 (age: 72)

- Maria was born on 24 MAY 1808 and died on 26 MAY 1887 (age: 79)

- Joseph was born on 28 NOV 1812 in PA and died on 7 DEC 1846 (age: 34) in So. Huntington, Westmoreland Co., Pa

- Jacob was born on 1815 in PA

- Charlotte was born on 29 MAR 1817 and died on 12 JUN 1877 (age: 60)

- David was born on 15 APR 1821 in South Huntingdon Twp., Westmoreland Co., PA and died on 9 APR 1895 (age: 73) in Ligonier, Ind.

- Paul was born on 11 MAY 1823 in PA and died on 3 JAN 1890 (age: 66)

- Josephine was born on ABT 1847

- Kezia was born on 13 NOV 1822

- Sara was born on 16 MAY 1824

- Levina was born on 11 MAR 1826

- Daniel was born on 1806

- Joseph was born on 1809

- Josephm was born on 1812

- Lusinda was born on 28 FEB 1825

Grandfather - Hough Family Crest - from Hough Genealogy by Elmer Hough. - Jacob was born on ABT 1747 in Bucks Co., Pa and died on ABT 1803 in Jacobs Creek, Pa

- Charlote was born on ABT 1747 and died on ABT 1827

Last change (on this page): 15 OCT 2018