Hough Family - Ourfolk

Daniel Hough ABT 1803 - 1881

Daniel was born on ABT 1803 in PA and died on 1881 and was buried in Tipton, Mo. .
He was the son of Joseph Hough (29 MAR 1780 - 7 DEC 1846) and Magdalena Waltz (Hough) (18 APR 1781 - 1 JAN 1842).

Daniel was married to Ruth Stemm (Hough) .

Ruth was born on 7 SEP 1804 and died on 19 MAR 1836 (age: 31).
View Family Chart

Daniel was married to Elizabeth Helper Wagner (Hough) .

View Family Chart

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 ParentsGrand Parents  
Jacob Hough (ABT 1747 - ABT 1803)
Joseph Hough (29 MAR 1780 - 7 DEC 1846)
Charlote Smith (Hough) (ABT 1747 - ABT 1827)
Daniel Hough
Daniel Waltz (29 JAN 1741 - 29 JAN 1822)
Magdalena Waltz (Hough) (18 APR 1781 - 1 JAN 1842)
Elizabeth Kramer (Waltz) (28 SEP 1750 - 28 SEP 1832)

- Ruth was born on 7 SEP 1804 and died on 19 MAR 1836 (age: 31)

- Seth was born on 9 MAR 1826

- Joseph was born on 15 OCT 1827

- Noah was born on 28 DEC 1828

- Polly was born on 25 JAN 1837

- Joseph was born on 29 MAR 1780 in Westmoreland Co., PA and died on 7 DEC 1846 (age: 66) in South Huntingdon Twp., Westmoreland Co., PA

- Magdalena was born on 18 APR 1781 in Waltz Mills, Fayette Co., PA and died on 1 JAN 1842 (age: 60) in South Huntingdon Twp., Westmoreland Co., PA.

-- Daniel --
lived on a farm of 230 acres where he owned and operated a flour mill and distillery at Port Royal, Westmoreland Co., Pa. Moved with family and daughter Amanda (who married Alfred Vance) to Missouri in 1874 and lived on a farm of 375 acres in the southern part of Cooper County.

Daniel: Census: 1880 Kelly, Cooper, Missouri

Census: 1880 Kelly, Cooper, Missouri
name relation age born in occupation father born mother born
Daniel HOUGH: Self 77 PA Farmer PA PA
Elizabeth HOUGH : Wife 52 PA K H. PA PA
Charles HOUGH : Son 18 PA Laborer PA PA
Daniel WAGONER : SSon 23 PA Laborer PA PA
Sadie WAGONER : SDau 20 PA Laborer PA PA
Virginia WAGONER : SDau 5 PA Laborer PA PA
John PRINCE : SonL 21 MO Laborer MO MO
Agnes PRINCE : Dau 16 PA At Home PA PA
Charles ADKINS : Other 19 MO Laborer MO MO
Peater ADKINS : Other 65 CAN Laborer CAN CAN
Joseph VANCE : Nephew 15 ... Laborer PA PA
William VANCE : Nephew 12 PA At School PA PA
Courtesy Our Folk - Hart Family Genealogy - ourfolkgen.com

- Sarah was born on 9 FEB 1805 and died on 27 JAN 1885 (age: 79)

- Capt. John was born on 22 OCT 1806 and died on 29 MAR 1879 (age: 72)

- Maria was born on 24 MAY 1808 and died on 26 MAY 1887 (age: 79)

- Joseph was born on 28 NOV 1812 in PA and died on 7 DEC 1846 (age: 34) in So. Huntington, Westmoreland Co., Pa

- Jacob was born on 1815 in PA

- Charlotte was born on 29 MAR 1817 and died on 12 JUN 1877 (age: 60)

- David was born on 15 APR 1821 in South Huntingdon Twp., Westmoreland Co., PA and died on 9 APR 1895 (age: 73) in Ligonier, Ind.

- Paul was born on 11 MAY 1823 in PA and died on 3 JAN 1890 (age: 66)

- Josephine was born on ABT 1847

- Abraham was born on 10 APR 1803 and died on 29 FEB 1872 (age: 68)

- Paul was born on 4 AUG 1809 in Fayette City, Fayette Co., Pennsylvania and died on 5 APR 1880 (age: 70)

- Kezia was born on 13 NOV 1822

- Sara was born on 16 MAY 1824

- Levina was born on 11 MAR 1826

- Daniel was born on 1806

- Joseph was born on 1809

- Josephm was born on 1812

- Lusinda was born on 28 FEB 1825

- Catherine was born on 19 OCT 1813 in Waltz's Mill, near West Newton, Pa. and died on 31 OCT 1882 (age: 69) in Gillespie, Pa.

Grandfather - Hough Family Crest - from Hough Genealogy by Elmer Hough. - Jacob was born on ABT 1747 in Bucks Co., Pa and died on ABT 1803 in Jacobs Creek, Pa

- Charlote was born on ABT 1747 and died on ABT 1827

- Daniel was born on 29 JAN 1741 in So. Huntington, Westmoreland Co., Pa and died on 29 JAN 1822 (age: 81)

- Elizabeth was born on 28 SEP 1750 and died on 28 SEP 1832 (age: 82) in Mendon, Pa.

Last change (on this page): 15 OCT 2018