Drake Family - Ourfolk

Kelley Denise Drake B: 18 FEB 1964

Kelley was born on 18 FEB 1964 .
She is the daughter of Alan Hart Drake (15 AUG 1929 - 19 AUG 2015) and Evelyn Dianne Kelley (Drake) (B: 28 APR 1940).

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 ParentsGrand Parents  
Claude Keaton Drake (12 SEP 1889 - 24 DEC 1958)
Alan Hart Drake (15 AUG 1929 - 19 AUG 2015)
Margaret Lillian Hart (Drake) (29 OCT 1892 - 30 AUG 1979)
Kelley Denise Drake
Evelyn Dianne Kelley (Drake) (B: 28 APR 1940)

Last change (on this page): 15 OCT 2018