Adams Family - Ourfolk

Katherine Adams (Brown) 23 AUG 1789 - 23 MAR 1867

Katherine was born on 23 AUG 1789 in Culpepper CO., VA and died on 23 MAR 1867 (age: 77) and was buried in Brown Cem, 1/2 mile W of New Liberty, Ky .
She was the daughter of Feathergail Adams (4 FEB 1755 - 7 NOV 1807) and Nancy Elizabeth Smith (Adams) (ABT 1755 - 9 NOV 1807).

Katherine was married to Thomas Brown on 5 JUN 1806 in Garrard County, Kentucky.

Thomas was born on 20 OCT 1784 in Culpepper CO., VA .
View Family Chart

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 ParentsGrand Parents  
Absalom Adams, Sr. (1727 - 1790)
Feathergail Adams (4 FEB 1755 - 7 NOV 1807)
Elizabeth Fothergill (Adams) (1730 - 1790)
Katherine Adams (Brown)
William Smith (21 AUG 1729 - 2 FEB 1821)
Nancy Elizabeth Smith (Adams) (ABT 1755 - 9 NOV 1807)
Peggy (Smith)


S1 Bill Davis's Data on Carroll & Gallatin County, KY families

- Thomas was born on 20 OCT 1784 in Culpepper CO., VA

- Feathergail was born on 4 FEB 1755 in Culpepper Co., Va. and died on 7 NOV 1807 (age: 52) in Sugar Creek, Garrard Co. Ky.

- Nancy was born on ABT 1755 in Culpepper, VA and died on 9 NOV 1807 in Sugar Creek, Garrard Co. Ky.

Generous to a fault, she gave freely of items from her smokehouse. In her last years she became mentally ill and had to be confined to a room, to keep her from wandering away. A year prior to her death she was diagnosed as having 'cancerof the brain.' Thomas willed that his daughters Mary and Catherine care for her, giving them $400 a year and use of the home until Katy died, and they alternated living with Katy until her death.

(from Bill Davis data)

- Nancy was born on ABT 1774 in VA. and died on BEF 1821 in Garrard Co., Ky.

- Margaret was born on ABT 1775 in Fauquier, VA

- William was born on 16 JUN 1776 in Fauquier, VA and died on 16 JUN 1844 (age: 68)

- Elizabeth was born on 27 APR 1778 in Fauquier, VA and died on BEF 1811

- Virginia was born on 20 AUG 1780 in Fauquier, VA and died on 1804

- Judith was born on 16 JAN 1783 in Fauquier, VA and died on 23 AUG 1870 (age: 87) in GARRARD, KY

- Absolem was born on 27 MAR 1785 in Va and died on 1849 in Madison, KY

- Mary was born on 14 APR 1787 in Russell, VA and died on 5 FEB 1863 (age: 75) in Marion Co., IN

- John was born on 27 APR 1791 and died on 1869

- Martha was born on 16 JAN 1793

- Reuben, Sr. was born on 1778 in Henry, Virginia and died on 1826 in Marion County, Ind

- Walter was born on 1778 in Montgomery, Va and died on 3 AUG 1825 in GARRARD, KY

- Absalom, Sr. was born on 1727 in England (?) and died on 1790 in near Lancaster, Ky

- Elizabeth was born on 1730 and died on 1790

- William was born on 21 AUG 1729 and died on 2 FEB 1821 (age: 91)

Last change (on this page): 15 OCT 2018