Adams Family - Ourfolk

William French Adams 16 JUN 1776 - 16 JUN 1844

William was born on 16 JUN 1776 in Fauquier, VA and died on 16 JUN 1844 (age: 68).
He was the son of Feathergail Adams (4 FEB 1755 - 7 NOV 1807) and Nancy Elizabeth Smith (Adams) (ABT 1755 - 9 NOV 1807).

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 ParentsGrand Parents  
Absalom Adams, Sr. (1727 - 1790)
Feathergail Adams (4 FEB 1755 - 7 NOV 1807)
Elizabeth Fothergill (Adams) (1730 - 1790)
William French Adams
William Smith (21 AUG 1729 - 2 FEB 1821)
Nancy Elizabeth Smith (Adams) (ABT 1755 - 9 NOV 1807)
Peggy (Smith)


S1 Bill Davis's Data on Carroll & Gallatin County, KY families

- Feathergail was born on 4 FEB 1755 in Culpepper Co., Va. and died on 7 NOV 1807 (age: 52) in Sugar Creek, Garrard Co. Ky.

- Nancy was born on ABT 1755 in Culpepper, VA and died on 9 NOV 1807 in Sugar Creek, Garrard Co. Ky.

-- William --
Married Peggy/Polly LONG (#1) and Rebecca LAWRENCE (#2)
William (devil Bill) had 9 children:
Betsie (m1: Crawford, m2: Burkett, m3: Dr Joplin), Burkett,
Dr. Allen Worth Adams (m Sartin)
John (m Lucy Hiatt),
Dr. Smith, Thomas (m1: Patsy Terrell, m2: Mattie Haley)
Willis (b:10/3/1818, m1: Helen Hiatt, m2: Marg. Maret),
Olmstead (m: Susie Bragg), William.

William gained the name 'Devil Bill,' after the family moved to Kentucky in 1787, and Bill, a teenager and unhappy with Kentucky, stole his father's best horse and returned to Culpepper County.
(from Bill Davis Data)

William: email

The name of William French 'Devil Bill' Adams' son is Allensworth, not Allen Worth. His first wife was Elizabeth Sartain, who was 13 when they married. They had two children, John and Rebecca. He abandoned her when he went to Texas. She divorced him in Garrard Co., KY. His brother, Jones Adams, made a deposition for her. She married 2nd to a Brown. In Texas, Allensworth married Minerva Webb in Limestone Co. I don't know what happened to her. After his first wife's death Allensworth, came back to Kentucky for his children and married Elizabeth French. They went back to Texas and they had several children. Eventually he married Eleanor Jane Mink, but I haven't found the marriage record. One of their daughters was my grandmother, Lucy Owsley Adams, who married John Houston Ramsey.

Polly Long Adams, his first wife, had not died when William 'Devil Bill' Adams married Rebecca Lawrence. I believe she can be found in the Mercer Co. census in 1810 and Fayette County Census for 1820 and 1830. I understand Polly tried to take him to court for bigamy, but Rebecca testified that she wasn't married to him. She told family members that she thought he was free to marry when she married him, but she had to testify that she wasn't married, even though it damaged her own reputation. Otherwise, he would be sent to prison and her children would have no one to support them.

Linda Ramsey Ashley - August 2007

- Nancy was born on ABT 1774 in VA. and died on BEF 1821 in Garrard Co., Ky.

- Margaret was born on ABT 1775 in Fauquier, VA

- Elizabeth was born on 27 APR 1778 in Fauquier, VA and died on BEF 1811

- Virginia was born on 20 AUG 1780 in Fauquier, VA and died on 1804

- Judith was born on 16 JAN 1783 in Fauquier, VA and died on 23 AUG 1870 (age: 87) in GARRARD, KY

- Absolem was born on 27 MAR 1785 in Va and died on 1849 in Madison, KY

- Mary was born on 14 APR 1787 in Russell, VA and died on 5 FEB 1863 (age: 75) in Marion Co., IN

- Katherine was born on 23 AUG 1789 in Culpepper CO., VA and died on 23 MAR 1867 (age: 77)

- John was born on 27 APR 1791 and died on 1869

- Martha was born on 16 JAN 1793

- Reuben, Sr. was born on 1778 in Henry, Virginia and died on 1826 in Marion County, Ind

- Walter was born on 1778 in Montgomery, Va and died on 3 AUG 1825 in GARRARD, KY

- Absalom, Sr. was born on 1727 in England (?) and died on 1790 in near Lancaster, Ky

- Elizabeth was born on 1730 and died on 1790

- William was born on 21 AUG 1729 and died on 2 FEB 1821 (age: 91)

Last change (on this page): 15 OCT 2018