Stewart Family - Ourfolk

Rose Stewart (Woodward) ABT 1583 - 6 OCT 1662

Rose was born on ABT 1583 and died on 6 OCT 1662 .

Rose was married to Richard Woodward .

Richard was born on 20 JAN 1585 in Ipswichm Suffolk, England .
He is the son of William Woodward (B: ABT 1550).
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 ParentsGrand Parents  
Rose Stewart (Woodward)

- Richard was born on 20 JAN 1585 in Ipswichm Suffolk, England

- George was born on 1619 in England and died on 31 MAY 1676

-- Richard --
emigrated in 1634 to Boston, MA. on
the ship 'Elizabeth' with his wife
and family. In 1642, he had a homestall of 12
acres, and was granted an additional 9 acres in
Watertown, Middlesex County, MA. His estate
administered by his sons, George and John.

- Sarah was born on 3 Feb 1642-3 Feb 1643 in Watertown, MA and died on 15 SEP 1707 (age: 65) in Stow, MA

- Daniel was born on 11 JUN 1653 in Watertown, MA and died on 31 JUL 1713 (age: 60)

- Stephen was born on 17 JUL 1665 in Lancaster, MA and died on 4 NOV 1732 (age: 67) in Preston, New London, CT

- Daniel was born on 5 JAN 1684 in Medford, MA and died on 29 MAY 1752 (age: 68) in Preston, New London, CT

Last change (on this page): 15 OCT 2018