Skjoldsson Family - Ourfolk

Fridleif Skjoldsson B: ABT 259

Fridleif was born on ABT 259 in Hleithra, Denmark .
He is the son of King Skjold of the Danes (B: ABT 237) and Gefion (of the Danes) (B: ABT 241).

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 ParentsGrand Parents  
Odin (B: ABT 215)
King Skjold of the Danes (B: ABT 237)
Frigg Frea () (B: ABT 219)
Fridleif Skjoldsson
Gefion (of the Danes) (B: ABT 241)

- Frodi was born on ABT 281 in Of, Hiethra, Denmark

- Fridleif was born on ABT 303 in of Hleithra, Denmark

- Haver was born on ABT 325 in Denmark

- Frodi was born on ABT 347 in Denmark

- Vermund was born on ABT 369 in Denmark

- Olaf was born on ABT 391 in Denmark

Last change (on this page): 15 OCT 2018