Pickens Family - Ourfolk

Samuel Owen Pickens 26 APR 1846 - 8 FEB 1944

Samuel was born on 26 APR 1846 in Owen Co., Indiana and died on 8 FEB 1944 (age: 97) in Indianapolis, Ind and was buried in Crown Hill Cem, Marion Co, IN .
He was the son of Samuel Pickens (9 MAY 1839 - 16 OCT 1891) and Eliza Baldon (Pickens) (7 NOV 1823 - 1 JUL 1896).

Samuel was married to Virginia Franklin (Pickens) on 1872.

Virginia was born on 27 SEP 1851 in Indiana and died on 12 MAR 1919 (age: 67) in Indianapolis, IN .
She was the daughter of Judge William M Franklin and Rittes Mary D (Franklin) .
View Family Chart

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 ParentsGrand Parents  
James Pickens (1778 - 1808)
Samuel Pickens (9 MAY 1839 - 16 OCT 1891)
Elizabeth ROBINSON (Pickens) (1780 - 1850)
Samuel Owen Pickens
Eliza Baldon (Pickens) (7 NOV 1823 - 1 JUL 1896)


S1 Indiana and Indianians
S2 Greater Indianapolis

- Virginia was born on 27 SEP 1851 in Indiana and died on 12 MAR 1919 (age: 67) in Indianapolis, IN

- Mary was born on 1876 and died on 1967 in Indianapolis, Indiana

- Samuel was born on 9 MAY 1839 and died on 16 OCT 1891 (age: 52)

- Eliza was born on 7 NOV 1823 and died on 1 JUL 1896 (age: 72)

-- Samuel --
Samuel was a Lawyer.
moved to Indianapolis, Indiana in Nov 1886 and was the senior member
of the law firm: Pickens, Moores, Davidson and Pickens.

Samuel O. Pickens from Indiana and Indianans

Five children: Virginia Pickens, Ruch fF. Pickens a prominent contractor in Indianapolis, Mary Pickens, Owen Pickens, a junior member of the law firm, and Marguerite Pickens.
(Greater Indianapolis history)

Samuel: Samuel Pickens House in Indianapolis

Judge S. O. Pickens lived at 1901 N. Pennsylvania St in 1943.

Date of Construction 1898

This 2-story frame house was built in 1898 for its first occupant, Pearl Havelich, who owned a cement contracting company and also was involved in residential real estate development.

After 1907, the house was the residence of Samuel Pickens, a local attorney, who helped organize the Indiana Bar Association. The frame house, itself, features clapboard siding, a symmetrical main facade, with identical polygonal bays on either side of a center entryway.

The front porch features fluted columns; those flanking the entry are of the Ionic order while the rest are Doric. Roof trim includes medallions under the eaves, with a row of dentil below. Decorative, carved wooden panels appear under the second-floor windows on the main (west) facade. Chimneys on the south facade feature corbelled brick and limestone trim. The roof is a massive hipped roof with gabled projections.

Source: Herron-Morton Place Historic Area Preservation Plan, 1986


Virginia: Death Certificate

Death Certificate

Samuel: Obituary - Indianapolis Star - Feb 9, 1944

Obituary - Indianapolis Star - Feb 9, 1944

Samuel: Indianapolis Unitarian bulletin, February 18, 1944
Samuel Owen Pickens THE DEATH of Mr. Pickens, the oldest member of our church, brings sadness to us but not grief, for it meant rest and peace after long suffering. Mr. Pickens would have been ninety-nine years old in April. Until deafness prevented his hearing he was to be found in his pew each Sunday morning. At the services, Dr. Wicks spoke of him as having achieved eminence in his profession.

He had all the qualities that make for respect and regard. He was a gentleman in the finest sense of the word. Courtesy, consideration, unselfishness, helpfulness marked his character. Mr. Pickens was brought up in the Baptist church and for the last twenty years has been a member of All Souls

- Henry was born on 9 MAY 1907 in Indianapolis, IN and died on 10 DEC 1973 (age: 66) in Indianapois, IN

Grandson - Samuel P. Adams
(1906-) - taken at wedding of Paul Kimball and Dorothy Johnston in 1943. - Samuel was born on 21 JUN 1913 in Indianapolis. Indiana and died on 22 JUN 2004 (age: 91) in Leland, Leelanau, Michigan

- Sarah was born on 25 OCT 1946 in Fort Wayne, Indiana and died on 1 OCT 2004 (age: 57) in Leland, Michigan

- James was born on 1778 in Washington, Virginia and died on 1808 in Harrison, Kentucky

- Elizabeth was born on 1780 in Virginia and died on 1850 in Harrison, Kentucky

Last change (on this page): 5 SEP 2022