Hart Family - Ourfolk

Absolem Adams 27 MAR 1785 - 1849

Absolem was born on 27 MAR 1785 in Va and died on 1849 in Madison, KY .
He was the son of Feathergail Adams (4 FEB 1755 - 7 NOV 1807) and Nancy Elizabeth Smith (Adams) (ABT 1755 - 9 NOV 1807).

Absolem was married to Elizabeth Slayton (Adams) on 25 MAR 1807 in GARRARD, KY.

View Family Chart

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 ParentsGrand Parents  
Absalom Adams, Sr. (1727 - 1790)
Feathergail Adams (4 FEB 1755 - 7 NOV 1807)
Elizabeth Fothergill (Adams) (1730 - 1790)
Absolem Adams
William Smith (21 AUG 1729 - 2 FEB 1821)
Nancy Elizabeth Smith (Adams) (ABT 1755 - 9 NOV 1807)
Peggy (Smith)

Last change (on this page): 15 OCT 2018