de Normandie - Index of Names
de Normandie - Index of Names

Our Folk Home Page - Index of Names and Surnames - Additional Resource Materials

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Adelais de NormandieAbt 1007 - Of, Normandie, France Aft 7 Jul 1037 - France Count Palatine Renaud I de Bourgogne 
Adeleihide de NormandieAbt 1027 - Of, Normandy, France Bef 1090 Lambert de Boulogne 
Alix de NormandieAbt 1021 - Of, Normandy, France  Count Ranulf de Bayeux 
Concubine de NormandieAbt 935 - Normandie  Duke Sans Peur / 
Duchess Poppa de NormandieAbt 872 - Of, Evreux, Nuestria 931 Count The Dane / 
Duke Richard II de NormandieAbt 930   
Godiva de NormandieAbt 1076 - Of, Normandy, France  Estmond 
Guillaume de NormandieAbt 1025 - Of, Normandie, France  Miss /De Pontheiu/ 
Judith de NormandieAbt 1020 Abt Jul 1037 Count Le Barbu / 
Princess Emma de NormandieAbt 982 - Of, Normandie 6 Mar 1052 - Winchester, Hampshire, England King The Unready / 
Richard III de NormandieAbt 1001 - Normandy, France 6 Aug 1028  
Robert de NormandieAbt 965 - Normandy, France 1037 Havlive de Rouen 

Last change (on this page): Wednesday, October 17, 2018
The Our Folk Genealogy Pages were compiled by Albert Douglass Hart, Jr. based on the original "Our Folk" compiled by Albert Thomas Hart in 1972 with help from Albert Douglass Hart Sr, Cara Hart and lots of other family members.

To report errors or omissions, request information or share sources or photos, Please send email to Albert Douglass Hart, Jr.