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"Trip to the Dominion of Canada and
By William Henry Douglass, 1874, at age of 21.
Monday, June 22d,
1874: Left Elmwood June 22, at 7:05
A.M. and arrived at Chicago 3:30 P.M. Put up at Burke's European Hotel, and saw
Miss Katie Mayhew in a dramatic play
entitled "With the Tide", also an orchestra of 12 musicians.
Purchased tickets Prop'r Nashua from Chicago to Port Huron for $9.00 of W.B.
McGaw, agent. Mercury 94 in the shade.
Tuesday, June 23d: Visited all the
important places of which the following are the most important -- vis:
"Grand Pacific Hotel", The Tivoli Beer Gardens, Brunswick's Billiard
Hall, J.V. Farwell & Co's Wholesale Dry Goods House and "Lincoln
Park" a beautiful place with gravel drives and winding walks, an
"Artificial Lake" on which are numerous boats and white swans with a
"Rustic Bridge" and Cave. Also, a large number of cages containing Lions,
Bears, Owls, Foxes, Deer, Buffalo, Eagles etc. There is also a fine Band Stand
or "Pagoda" situated on an eminence in which the band plays every
Wednesday and Saturday. Hacks, Buses and Street Cars run from the foot of
Madison Street to the Park for 5 cents. A carriage for the round trip $10.00.
How is that for high? Saw Cusic Wakefield, Walt Cleverly and Lime Kellog. In the evening at 7 0'clock took the Steamer "City of New
York" for Port Huron via Lake "Mich" and Huron a distance of 650
miles. The steamer had about 74 lbs of steam and made 10 miles an hour since we
left Chicago.
Wednesday, June 24th: Arrived at
Milwaukee at about 3:30 A.M. and stayed till 8:15 A.M. Walked about town to
Post Office and saw several fine buildings. Weather fine until about 3:30 P.M.
when we passed through a thick "Fog" when the steamer had to blow the
whistle every few minutes. The fog lasted till about 7 0'clock when it passed
away and left the Lake calm and almost as smooth as a floor. The air was cool
and bracing and a "Spring Overcoat" was not uncomfortable. Passed
numerous vessels. Adam Forepaugh's show is in Milwaukee today and The Great Eastern Shows there
Thursday, June 25th: Arrived at
"Glen Haven" this morning at 1 o'clock. The Lake has a slight riffle
but pleasant. Commenced raining about 10 o'clock and rained at intervals till
about 11:30 when the fog came on and remained about an hour (and it was very
warm on the deck) at which time the steamer slackened her speed and the Lake
was sounded and it was found we were in only about 5 fathoms of water, but we
soon came on deep water and the fog clearing away, the weather changed to quite
cold, so that in about one hour from the time is was so warm nearly all had on
Passed through the Straits five miles to the right of Mackinaw
at 2 o'clock and arrived at "Duncan City", a landing and small town,
at 3 1/2 o'clock. After leaving this point the lake became quite
"wavy" with now and then a small "cap" and continued cold.
Arrived at "Crawford's Quarry" at 7 1/2 o'clock and took on board
some "white fish" and trout. The fog came on again about 10 o'clock
and lasted all night.
Friday, June 26th: The fog still thick
and weather cold so that there is a fire in the cabin. Passed through Lake Huron
where it is 75 miles wide at about 7 o'clock. 2 or 3 passengers quite sick; the
first there has been sick since we left Chicago. Had a shower of rain which
lasted about half an hour. Continued cloudy and foggy all day; went about 20
miles out of the way and instead of reaching Port Huron at 2 o'clock P.M. did
not get there until after super, which was about 6 o'clock. After looking about
the town we crossed the river about 8 1/2 o'clock. The boat which transfers the
cars across the river is capable of taking on board 21 cars at a time.
Saturday, June 27th: Arrived at Toronto
at 6 o'clock and walked about town and saw a large number of fine buildings,
including hotels, etc. After stopping for an hour we started for our
destination, Belleville, where we arrived at 12:10 M and were met at the Depot
by Owen Jones and Phaeton, Bertie Ockerman's father, and Phil Ockerman's wife, and a brother of John
Caldwell. After dinner at Uncle Windsor's went down and saw
several old friends and got introduced to two of Uncle Win's clerks, Burt Davis and Edward Wartman. Belleville is a
nice place and a great number promenade the streets evenings. Stores close at 7
o'clock in summer, except Saturdays, and 6 in winter.
Sunday, 28th: Went to church at
the Wesleyan Methodist Church, which is a large stone building, the largest
church in town; went also in evening. There is between 25 and 30 in choir. In
the afternoon went with Alf and Willie V. to the cemetery, about 3 miles up the
bay. Weather very warm.
Monday, June 29th: Went downtown in
the forenoon, and in the afternoon was with Owen and Davis in Uncle Win's
rowboat to a place about a mile from the bay called Hickory Grove. The bay was
quite rough, with now and then a whitecap.
Tuesday, June 30th: Went to Alf's in
the afternoon and in the evening we rode all around town. In the forenoon,
Davis and I went up in the Market House Tower, 150 feet high, where you can see
the whole town and bay. There is also a large cock in the top of the tower
which can be seen and heard for a long distance.
Wednesday, July 1st, "Dominion Day": Stayed with Alf in forenoon and at 1 o'clock went in the Ferry
Boat to an Excursion at Massassaga Point, a distance of 4 miles from the Bay of
Quiate and had a "Big time". Got introduced to Alf and Will's family
by the name of Net and Em Clark. In the evening played croquet at Uncle Win;s with a young lady
-- Myra White.
Thursday, July 2nd: Went with Mr Roberts(?) to the funeral
of Cal(?) McKetchison, 91 years & 9 m0s of age, Aunt Ann's Grandpa. Funeral at
the Wesleyan Methodist Church on the ________. It was a very large funeral. To Theodore Foster's and in the
afternoon went to Thomas Vermilyea's and stayed all night. Then V. called in the evening.
Friday, July 3rd: Went in the morning
to cemetery in the 4th concession and saw little
Albert's grave and Malissa Verm'ya's.
Saturday, July 4th: Returned to Thomas Vermilyea's to dinner
and, after the "Shower of Rain", went to Belleville and landed at Uncle Windsor's.
Sunday July 5th: Attended Church at
the Presbyterian or "Free", as its called. It is a nice building,
built of stone with cushions and seats cushioned up the back. It is also
carpeted. There is not organ in this church. In the evening, went to the 2nd Wesleyan
Church and heard their new minister.
Monday, July 6th, 1874: Went to Asil Vermilyea's (young
ladies name Frank) to dinner and in the afternoon went to Mr. David Sill's (young
ladies named Frank and Net) and stayed all night.
Tuesday, July 7th, 1874: In the
forenoon went to Mr. Simmin's to dinner. In the afternoon went and called at Mrs. Lake's. Had a heavy rain.
After supper, went to Uncle Bolta's and stayed all night.
Wednesday, July 8th, 1874: After breakfast
went to the 7th Concession Cemetery. Saw Aunt
Nettie's grave. Went to John Turner's for dinner and
stayed to tea, after which Uncle Windsor & wife, Ma & I went to Uncle Bolta's and stayed a while
ant then went home, and Ma 7 I went to Jonathan
Faulkner's and stayed all
Thursday, July 9th: Went to Mr. Sorrel's to dinner and
supper. There was a quilting. Went to Uncle
Bolta Baragar's and stayed all
Friday, July 10th, '74: Sprinkled
some in the morning and about 9 o'clock started for John Caldwell's. Stopped at the
Cheese Factory at Holloway and arrived at Caldwell's at 11 1/2 o'clock. In the
afternoon, John and I went to the Moira River, a distance of 4 miles, a
fishing, got back at 7 o'clock and had some fish for supper, and stayed all
Saturday 11th: Went to Belleville
in the forenoon and went and stayed all night with Willie Vandervoort. Cole's
Circus showed in Belleville today.
Sunday, July 12th, 1874: Took
breakfast with Will Vandervoort and attend(ed) the Wesleyan Methodist Church and returned home
with Willie, where I met Johnny Vandervoort and in the afternoon Alf
Ermilyed and us went walking and stopped at
Alf's. Went to the St. Thomas Church at night at 7 o'clock, where there is the
best organ in Belleville, and a very nice church, built of stone, with the
cushioned seats and painted windows. It rained slightly from 7 to 8 1/2
Monday, July 13th, 1874: The
Orangemen passed by W.W.'s house at 6 A.M. on their way to the Excursion to
Napanee per boat. Ma and I went to Stirling and arrived at Martin Seeley's at 12 1/2 o'clock.
Took dinner and tea, after which took Ma to Elam White's and I and Mart Seeley went to Stirling
and I returned and stayed all night with him. There was a big time in Frankford
Tuesday, 14th: After breakfast
went to Elam's and Ma, Mrs. M. White & I went to Mr. Craig's and took dinner and in the afternoon visited the School
Examination. Young lady teacher's name is Miss
Merellsee. Took tea at Mr. Craig's and started
at 6 o'clock P.M. and arrived at Mr David Sill's at 8 o'clock and stayed all night.
Wednesday, 15th: After breakfast
started for Uncle Windsor's and arrived and took dinner. Attended the wedding
of Miss Matilda Jones and Mr. Horn at the residence of Thomas
Jones, the bride's father. Had a splendid
time and made the acquaintance of several nice young ladies. Went to the
midnight train to meet Vandy's folks, but were disappointed. The new couple
took the midnight train for Kingston.
Thursday, 16th, 1874: Uncle Vandy's folks
arrived at 12 o'clock M. In the afternoon at 3 took the boat to
"Norfolk" in company with Martin
Seeley, and arrived at "Bogart's
Wharf" at 7 o'clock. Had a splendid trip.
Friday, 17th: Stayed at Uncle Henry Seeley's and had a
gay time picking cherries. Made the acquaintance of two young ladies named Anna Jones and Seeley's cousin
Priscilla Outwater, both of Napanee.
Saturday, July 18th: Uncle Henry Seeley, Henry Jr., Charlie Seeley, Mart Seeley, and I went to Napanee
and returned to Uncle Henry's and stayed all night. In the evening visited
Cheese Factory. Went to a Temperance Lecture by Mt. Chisolm in the Episcopal
Sunday, July 19th: In the forenoon,
Mart, Henry Jr., and I went to the "Bay Shore" and in the afternoon
Mart and I went to Napanee with Cousin Charlie
Seeley and attended the Episcopal Church,
at 6 1/2 o'clock. It is a fine church and there is a splendid organ, cost
1,000.$. After church rode around town, which is a business town with a population
of about 4000. The best hotel is the Campbell House. I also had a ride over
famous "York Road". It leads from Napanee to Kingston, a distance of
25 miles and is the best gravel road in Canada.
Monday, 20th After staying all
night with Charlie Seeley took the 8 o'clock M train. Arrived at Belleville 9 1/2. In the
P.M. went in company with Uncle Windsor and took tea at John Vandervoort's. Met Miss Hattie Frederick & Myra Vandervoort. Called at
Theodore Foster's and Benny Vdrt's.
Tuesday, July 21st: After staying all
night with John Vandervoort went with W. W. Jr. to Belleville and had some photos taken & Owen and I
returned to Sam Knight's to dinner. After dinner we went to Smithville (vs. Foxboro) and
returned to Bertie Ockerman's to tea and stayed all night.
Wednesday, 22nd: After breakfast got
Ma (who as (at) Mrs. Johnson's) and called at Mr./ Barney Lane's and Ma and I went to Stephen
Miller's to dinner and John Irvine's to tea. Called at Theo Foster's and got Owen and
returned to Belleville and stayed all night.
Thursday, July 23rd: Barnum's Great
Showed in Belleville and there was an awful crowd. Stayed at Uncle Windsor's & went to the
show at night.
Friday, 24th: Went to Mr. Ockermans's with Mrs. H Vermilyea after
calling at Mr. Ockerman's called at Mr
Samuel Wilmot's and went to John Vandervoort's to dinner.
In the afternoon walked to Benny V's and after tea Elgin & I went to Mr. Dorland's and played croquet with two young ladies by the name of Joe Chisholm and Flora Dorland. Stayed with Elgin
all night.
Saturday, 25th: In the afternoon Elgin and I went to
Belleville and got Johnny Vandervoort and Alf Vermilyea and went for a "Row" on the Bay and had a splendid
time. Returned home with Elgin and arrived about 11 1/2 o'clock P.M.
Sunday, 26th: Went to the
Wesleyan Church at "Town Hall" and heard Mr. Thomas Vermilyea preach.
Went to Elgin's to dinner and in the evening went to 4th Con'n Wesleyan Church.
Monday, July 27th, 1874: Went to Nathaniel Vermilyea's for tea
and Thomas Vermilyea's and stayed all night.
July 28th: Went to Dennis Lucas' to and in afternoon
rained. Stayed to tea and then
went to Barney Lane’s and stayed all night. Boy’s names Sylvester & Wilmot (married).
July 29th: Went to Samuel Wilmot’s to dinner and arrived at
Belleville at about 8 o’clock & met Miss Emma Peterson at W. W.
Went and spent the evening & returned to W. W.’s.
July 30, 1874: Stayed at Uncle Windsor’s in the forenoon and in
the afternoon went to Alf Vermilyea’s and stayed all nigh. Saw
a big tame bear in the streets of Belleville.
July 31st: Stayed to Alf’s to breakfast and Burt
and I took the 12 o’clock train for Kingston. Arrived there at about 2 0;clock.
Took a cab and went to the Anglo-American Hotel, after which we called on
several young men of which Charlie Hogul & _______ after
which we called on Misses Minnie Kelley and Mary
and Tilla Ferris & Miss Irving. Took tea at Mr.
& returned to Hotel & went back to Mrs.
and spent the evening. Went walking around Kingston & saw a good many fine churches &c.
Went back to “Anglo-American” and stayed all night.
August 1st, 1874: Waked up at 4 o’clock and took a walk around Kingston
to the Park &c. and took the S.Wheel Steamer “Spartan” for Montreal at 5:30
A.M. and about 5:45 we steamed out of the Harbor and after passing several
Forts and Bombardments (for Kingston is well bombarded) in about an hour &
a half we commenced passing through the Thousand Islands. The scenery here was
splendid, the Islands being thickly wooded with evergreens and shrubbery. The
weather, although quite cool and cloudy in the morning, soon cleared up and
turned out to be pleasant and I enjoyed the trip first rate.
passed several nice towns through the *Rapids (Long Sault, pronounced “Long
Sou”) – where the waves were like the ocean, at Lachine, a town 9 miles from
Montreal, there was an Indian pilot came on board in a canoe rowed by his two
sons. This pilot has guided
steamers down the Lachine Rapids for 40 years & gets a thousand $ a year
for making one trip a day.
arriving at Montreal the first sight is Victoria Bridge, under which the
steamer passed. It is built of stone & iron and has 24 abutments. The view
of the shipping as the steamer passes along is “grand” and the next thing of
importance, Bonsecours Market or City Hall and Customs House. Took a Cab and went to visit the Albion Hotel and
after supper walked around town and visited several large Dry Goods Stores and
Hat Houses. Returned to Albion and stayed all night.
Aug. 2nd, 1874: After breakfast walked around the city and went to
the Jesuit Church and French Cathedral and several other fine churches. Drove
around mountains in P.M.
Aug. 3rd: Visited the Shipping and Parks and met some Kingston
boys and took the 7P.M. boat “Trois Riveres” or Three Rivers for
Quebec. Round trip, supper & stateroom included, $2.00.
Aug. 4th: Arrived at Quebec at 7 o’clock and took breakfast at
the Albion & then took cab and rode around and saw the principal places of interest in & about the
City, consisting of Fort and Citadel, the Plains of Abraham – French Cathedral
and also Montmorency Falls, 9 miles below the
City. At 4 o’clock took the boat – Trois Riveres for Montreal and arrived
there after having a splendid trip at 7 the next morning.
Aug. 5th, 1874: Arrived at Montreal at 7 A.M. Took breakfast at the
“Albion” and took the train at 9 A.M. and arrived at Belleville at 6 P.M. Went
to Uncle Windsor’s & stayed all night.
Aug. 6th: Stayed to Uncle Windsor’s in the forenoon and in
the afternoon had some “Photos” taken and in the afternoon went to the Cemetery
with Uncle Windsor and took tea at Mr. Dockstater’s and retuned and stayed
all night with Alf Vermilyea.
Aug. 7th, 1874: In the morning Aunt Annis – Ma and I went to Bradley
Mallory’s to dinner and took tea at Mrs. Chisholm’s and Ma & I went and
stayed all night with Alf Vermilyea.
Aug. 7th, 1874: Returned to Uncle Windsor’s & went to Market in
the forenoon and in the afternoon stayed around town and saw a good many “old
friends”. Mrs. H. Vermilyea, Mrs. A.
G. Vandervoort and Miss Bertie Ockerman and Mr.
& Mrs. Asil Vermilyea were at Uncle Windsor’s to tea.
Aug. 9th, 1874: Went to the Wesleyan Methodist Church and went with
Willie E. Vandervoort to dinner and tea. Johnny Vandervoort was also there. Went to
the Wesleyan Church with Willie and his sisters in the evening, after which we
called at Mr. Peterson’s. Returned and stayed all night at Uncle
Windsor’s and prepared to take the morning train for Niagara.
Return Trip from Belleville to Elmwood
August 10th, 1874: Left Belleville at 6 o’clock A.M. for Express on
“Grand Trunk Railway” and arrived at Toronto at 11 A.M. and stayed there until
2 ½ o’clock and took the Steamer “City of Toronto” for Niagara. While in
Toronto walked around and was a good many Business Houses. “Younge” and “King
St.” are the two principal streets.
at Niagara at 5:15 and had baggage examined at Lewiston, a distance of 7 miles
from Niagara. From Niagara to Lewiston we passed down the River and the scenery
was grand. Saw Brock’s Monument opposite Lewiston. At Lewiston we were conveyed
in an “Omnibus”, free of charge. In passing from Lewiston to Niagara Falls, a
distance of 7 miles, the scenery is
railroad running along the River about 200 feet is almost perpendicular. Arrived at the Suspension Bridge
about 6 ½ o’clock and put up at the “Exchange Hotel”. After tea walked around
town. Saw Suspension Bridge and Niagara Falls at a distance, that is from the
Suspension Bridge.
Aug. 11th, 1874: Took the 8:55 train for Niagara Falls. Walked about
town and saw principal Hotels, of which the International, Cataract and Park
Place are the most fashionable; terms $4.50 a day. Met Vandy’s folks near
Prospect Point and after going down to the Ferry in a “Steam Car” almost
perpendicularly. At Prospect Point
the scene is “Truly Grand” as you
can see the Falls up to the river and below a beautiful Rainbow. Saw a
great many Indian curiosities. Took the 2:10 train for Buffalo and arrived at
Mayville at 7 ½ P.M. ad went to the Mayville House and stayed all night.
Aug. 12th: Went to t he Depot at 9 A.M. and waited until 12:30
and the took the Steamer “Col. Phillips” for Fair Point, a distance of 2 ½
miles down the Lake, where there was a S.S. Assembly. Remained till 5:30 P.M.
ad took the str. “Jamestown” for Jamestown and arrived about dark and went to
Cousin Rosa’s. Mr Wm. H. Gaddis, Uncle Eb, Addie and Laura
came and spent the evening and
Winnie & I went and stayed all night at Uncle
Mercury 104 in the shade from 11 to 3.
13th: Hung round in the forenoon and in the afternoon
called at Mr. Lucius N. Willard’s, where I met and formed the acquaintance of
an amiable young lady by the name of Miss Minnie R. Willard and from there we
went to Uncle Robert Jones, surnamed “Capt.”
Returned to Mr. Willard’s and stayed all night.
Aug. 14th, 1874: Went with Uncle Windsor and Cousin
in the country in the forenoon & in the afternoon went downtown. Called at Uncle
Robert’s office and returned to Addie’s to tea. Returned to Mr.
Willard’s and stayed all night.
Aug. 15th, 1874: Took breakfast and dinner at Mr.
Willard’s. In the afternoon visited Uncle Robert’s office and the Alpaca
Factory and Saw Mills, also rode around “Town” with Eb.
Jones, Jr. Called at a Mr. Jones in the evening. Stopped
at Mr. Willard’s all night.
Aug. 16th, 1874: Took breakfast at Mr.
Willard’s and attended the Congl. Church and heard a minister from Brooklyn
by the name of Warren. Took dinner at Cousin Rosa’s and rode around in the
afternoon and attended the Union Lecture in the Congl. Church. Went to Mr’
and stayed all night.
Aug’ 17th, 1874: Breakfasted at Mr. Willard’s and at 9 A.M. took the
“Bus” for “Falconer’s Station” or “East Jamestown”, and there took the train
for Sinclearville, where we were
met by a Mr. Ralph Fessended (Jennie’s man) and
returned to Vermont Station & took the train again for Jamestown. Arrived
there about 4:30 P.M. and stopped at Cousin Rosa’s to tea. I went downtown
in the evening with Mr. Wm. H. Gaddis and we all net at Addie’s
and spent the evening and I returned to Mr. Willard’s all night.
Aug. 18th, 1874: Breakfasted at Mr. Gaddis’ and left Jamestown for
the last time at about 8 0’clock per Steamer “Jamestown” and arrived a t
Mayville at about 11 A.M., where we were met by Mr. Leet, who lives 4 miles from
me. Stayed there all night and then went with Mr. A.
B. Smith
and stayed all night. Had a nice time at Mr. Leet’s in a row boat belonging
to Wm. Leet.
19th: Stayed at Mr. Leet’s until 2 o’clock P.M. and
then took the Cars at Mayville at 3:45 for Pittsburgh. Arrived at Oil City at 4
P.M. and Pittsburgh at 6 A.M. the next morning.
20th: Arrived at Rochester, Pa., a distance of about 50
miles from Pittsburgh, a 8 ½ o’clock and took a cab and went to Mr. Reno’s,
where I stayed till the next P.M., when we took the cars for Elmwood.
21st: Took the 3 P.M. train to Chicago. Fare from Rochester
to Chicago $13.60. Arrived at Crestline about 10 o’clock, when it commenced
raining and continued to rain
until we reached home. Arrived at Fort Wayne at 3 the next morning.
Aug. 22nd, ’74: Arrived at Chicago at 8 ½ A.M. at the CB&Q Depot,
where we stopped until 10:30 A.M. and took the train for Home. Arrived at Buda
at 3 P.M. and at Elmwood at 5:30
in a shower of rain.
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